Well, i think is you who knows is wrong, you just don't realize yet. You started this conversation saying that the MC was an hypocrite and since then you defended him on every single act.
I quoted a couple of sentences couse i thought it was enough. Yet I see you didn't get my point, i don't say you defend cheaters in abstract, i say you acuse Josy of every single absurdely detail and overlook every sinlge fault of the MC. By doing so every single principle becomes relative, for Josy is inaceptable and for the MC is forgivable. Including fidelity. You understand now?.
I never denied that Josy or Maya are at fault with each other. That was never the argument. The argument is that they are not at fault with the MC, and that the MC cant hold any claim against them for their own faults. So you can say Josy is actually a cheater and you were questioning a cheater... but her cheating on Maya was never the point, so you actually weren't. You were questioning a girl for not telling her lover at wich college she went...
See? Why you have to argue if you see my point. It is a moral issue. After all, as the own MC sayd:
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