So, I return to the thread and to f95 for the first time in 5 months and I see that the talk of the thread is Maya and DPCs writting, so its nice to see that the thread didnt change in my absence

And then I come across this post. A post defending Maya against people who "dont like her" (which is admirable and very well written might I had

), while essentially doing the exact same thing to Sage

, who funnily enough seems to be the only character who is actually trying to help Maya

So, as a guy who mains Sage and doesnt like Maya, I see myself in the position to reply and to express my opinions.
First of all, I dont "HATE" Maya. I think that everyone has a type and Maya fulfills a type that players might want/like. However DPCs wrtting of the story, and incidentally Maya, made me dislike Maya as a character.
Maya fans usually have this delusion that everyone who "hates"/"dislikes" Maya do so because Maya rejected the MC in episode 4 or because Maya "cheated" with Josy or even because she lies to the MC. When in fact, the answer is WAY more simple than that: The initial problem, at least for me, was/is how the whole Maya story is being brought up to us the players, mainly the DIK players. The DIK MC behaves as a CHICK the whole episode 4 and then he is rejected purely because he is a DIK, no matter what choices you do before episode 4. But again, this wasnt enough for me to dislike her completely.
The nail in the coffin for me comes in the next episodes where Maya is constantly used as a Deus Ex Machina (ending of episode 6, when the MC literally drops everything, becomes superman and flies to Maya immediately in all possible paths. Or when my MC has to be Clark Kent and face Mayas father), where shes used as a way to start the DPC drama special, making me wonder sometimes who is the MC of this story? Maya or FuckFace? (To give props to DPC, this has become better in last 2 episodes because of the implementation of the hangouts mechanic, where I can actively choose who I want to see on my screen.)
Concluding, the problem isnt Maya, its the way that ALL THE MCs are always "story forced" right in the middle of MAYAs drama in exactly the same fashion (being in a relationship with her or not) to the point that I get chills on my spine everytime she appears on the screen
As to what you said about Sage, it clearly shows that you never really played her path or if you did you didnt pay close attention. Everyone in the lust triangle between MC, Sage and Chad is a cheater in almost the same amount of measure (altough for different reasons). But saying that Sage is "not a good person at all while jealous and angry. Pretty damn bad actually." and completely missing what Chads affair did to her mentally AND assuming that she fucks the MC just "out of spite"? Its your opinion and thank you for sharing it

. Even though, I would say that you should play her path to understand some of the deeper meanings behind Sages actions
PS: Jesus, I have written a whole essay

. I guess I missed writing here more than I thought