Together Forever

The intense summer sun beat down on the suburban landscape. Cicadas chirruped and screamed unseen from the trees that lined the roads. The occasional car passed by, as Carl strolled slowly down the sidewalk homeward, after spending a few days at his best friend’s house.

Carl was glad for his light T-shirt and shorts in this heat wave, his brown hair covered by a red baseball cap. He trudged along through the muggy expanse of human ecosystem, not looking forward to what awaited him at home.

It was not his parents that he feared. In fact, they were not even there. They had headed off on a company retreat by the coast, and would not be back for over a week. No, what he was honestly worried about was his older sister.

Anna was twenty years old, 2 years his senior, and she was obsessed with him in the worst, most unhealthy way possible. He could not count the number of times his dirty socks or underwear had gone missing from his laundry hamper, only to eventually return cleaned amongst the rest of his washed clothing. One time he had started to see Samantha, a girl from his class. She was cute, and funny, and he had really liked her, but then his sister learned about it. It was not long after that when Sam quite suddenly had changed schools, apparently at her request. Carl knew Anna was to blame, but he had no proof, and as far as he knew, his parents knew nothing of her stalker-like tendencies.

Before he knew it, he stood at the end of the front walkway of his house. Her car sat alone in their double driveway, so he safely assumed she lurked within. Drooping his shoulders, he looked down and sighed heavily. There was no way around it, he was going to have to go in there and face his crazed sibling. Placing one foot in front of the other, he drew nearer the dreaded portal. His hand shook as he took the handle, and turned it slowly.

The door opened soundlessly before him, the hall yawning before him. The lights were out, but the high sun and large windows adorning the outer walls left most of the interior well lit. it was very warm, and he guessed that the air conditioning had concked out again. His dad had promised it would get repaired as soon as they got home from vacation. He could hear the clattering of pans in the kitchen. Silently, he eased the door closed and released the handle gently. Doffing his shoes on the mat, Carl crept his way slowly down the hall. His room sat down a perpendicular hallway, branching from the main path just before the kitchen.

Step after step, he slunk closer and closer to his domain. Once he managed to get into his room, he would be safe. He pressed himself against the corner as he rounded the bend. For the briefest moment, Anna stepped into his full view, facing the opposite direction. Carl froze and held his breath, praying silently for mercy and protection from whoever would listen.

She was dressed in tiny jean short shorts with worn holes in them, giving small windows to her underwear. He could only assume she was wearing a bra, as her black hair cascading down her back masked the existence of any kind of straps. The panties she wore were simple and pink. She bent over to reach a pot from a lower cupboard, her ass accentuated by the pose, the cleft of her cheeks increased by the pulling tight fabric. Her hair slumped down over her shoulder and down her front, unveiling her tanned back and the straps of a skimpy black top. She hummed cheerily as she busied herself with something, and she side-stepped out of his vision.

Not lingering beyond making sure he had not been found out, he slipped the rest of the way into the hallway of safety. Tiptoeing the final few feet, he found the door unlocked. She must have broken into his room again, he sighed mentally. Mentally fortified, he gradually opened the door to view whatever domestic carnage awaited him.

His room appeared untouched as he looked in. A shirt he had discarded on his bed before he had left remained there. His books sat in regular order across his shelves, and stacked beside his bed. His backpack, which contained the books from his previous year at school, still sat by his desk, apparently unmolested by his snooping sister. Awed, he opened the door enough to enter.

As he did, the door hit a pile of something, and the general silence was interrupted by a loud clattering noise. The humming from the other room stopped.

“Carl, is that you?” a cute, innocent-sounding female voice called sweetly.

Failing to respond, Carl ducked into the room and shut the door loudly, his silent approach broken. A pile of empty cookie tins sat in disarray against the wall behind the door. She had set a trap, and he had fallen for it head first! Footsteps sounded from down the hall, growing gradually closer. He also heard the rustle of paper.

“I have to talk to you, Carl. Mom and Dad left a note,” she chimed in a singsong way, incidentally mimicking her previous tune.

Frantically, he reflexively tried to lock the door, but something felt wrong. Looking down in horror, the small mechanism was missing from the center of the knob! His only recourse to prevent her entry was to hold the knob from turning.

“Leave me alone!” he pleaded. “I just got home, and I’m tired!”

The footfalls arrived at the other side of the door. He felt her grab the other side of the knob, heard a jingle of loose bits rattled, and he could tell her side turned even though his remained solid in his grip. A strong, sudden push swung the door into him, and he staggered back in surprise from the force. He toppled backwards onto his bed, doorknob loosed and in hand, as she burst in.

She stood in a wide legged stance. One hand rested on her hip, while the other flourished a paper note with some amount of writing on it, held between her pointer finger and her thumb. Her chest was puffed out with pride, no doubt due to her handiwork. Her large breasts seemed to be doing everything in their power to burst their bonds, and he could see her deep cleavage, and a portion of her boobs poked out under the cloth as well. Her thin rimmed glasses rested on her nose, just above a wry, cockeyed smirk.

“Mom and Dad left us a note before they went on vacation,” she said proudly, her voice a tone lower than it normally sounded. “It says that I am in charge while they’re gone, and you have to do what I say.” She walked towards him as he lay supine upon his covers, swaying her hips in an exaggerated manner. He dropped the sabotaged knob to the ground and tried to force his way back against the head of his bedstand.

“And you have to do what I say… or Dad’ll take your games away again.” She dropped the note onto the bed as she dropped the D bomb, and began to crawl up the bed between his legs. “And I can keep this up the whoooole time they’re gone.” She passed his crotch, and began hovering herself over his chest, her large breasts hanging low, barely contained by her skimpy clothing. Her low approach slid her nearly nude body up against his crotch. “Until,” she continued sweetly, “I get what I want… just once,” Anna held up a single finger, now close enough to press it against his nose.

Carl, looking down at his older sister, had known she would be all over him, but he had not anticipated this level of sinister preparation on her part. The lack of parents had made her bold, far more bold than he had ever seen her before. She was doubtless dead set on her goals, and refused to beat around the bush today. He, on the other hand, was unsure of how he should respond to this new situation. Regardless of what he wanted, the tightness growing within his shorts made its desires known all to clearly, posing its own potent argument loud and clear.

“Look, Anna,” he tried to reason, “I just don’t think we-”

His words were cut off as her hand retreated from his face, and had slid itself below the stretchy strap of his shorts and boxers. She grasped his swelling member with a greedy palm, and freed it from its prison. Carl gasped as she retreated herself down his body, his cock slipping into her cleavage from below her shirt. She clenched her large boobs together with her free arm, tightening her flesh around his turgid member. Wordlessly, she began to shift herself up and down. The heat of the day had made both his cock and her cleavage very sweaty, so there was no need for lubrication.

Carl had never felt this kind of stimulation before. His legs grew tense as she continued, his face growing redder with a primal heat spreading from his loins. Involuntarily, he began to pant and moan with her ministrations. Anna whimpered as she experienced the touch of his erect cock for the first time, while he was awake, at least. She knew he was enjoying it against his will, but he would agree to her terms better when denied release.

Just as he was convinced he was going to get his first complete boob job, she pulled away, sitting back on her legs and smiling, her face aglow with a fresh influx of blood. He knew it could not have been that simple. She wanted more than just a face-full of his cock.

“If you want more…follow me,” she said suggestively, getting off of his bed and walking backwards slowly to the door, curling her finger at him. Turning seductively, she sauntered to the next door on the right, and entered into her own room.

Carl let out a pent up breath, and debated his options, one hand caressing his weeping cock. On the one hand, if he did this, he would finally be off the hook with her, at least for the moment. He would also get to deal with the pressure in his nethers. If he refused, she would be after him constantly for the next few weeks, and she would spin some form of tale to villainize him, and Dad would confiscate his video games, just like the last time he had refused Anna’s insistences. He really only had one option.

Within a few seconds, he found himself at her bedroom door, which sat open. Anna lay reclined upon her bed, fully naked and exposed, a sultry look emanating from her eyes. Her breasts lay bare on her chest, large, soft, and utterly inviting. Her bottom lip was clenched lightly between her teeth as she watched him in anticipation. Carl swallowed hard and advanced on her bower, his somewhat limp cock fighting to escape his lower clothing as it became reinvigorated.

Sitting up, she edged to the side of her bed to meet him, her slim fingers grasping his elastic waistbands and jerking his shorts and boxers down unceremoniously with one sweep. His erect shaft sprung free of its prison, hanging right in front of her face. She smiled, and chuckled throatily, her hot breath washing it with moist warmth as she took it in her hand. Her mouth closed over it, enveloping his manhood with her soft flesh, and she began gently bobbing her head.

Carl had never been pleasured by a woman before, and this felt better than any time he had done anything to himself. Her smooth tongue wrapped around his shaft and licked the head as she fellated him. Her lips formed a nearly airtight seal, and she complemented her efforts with constant suction. A surprise finger snaked its way into his asshole from behind, and he clenched the sphincter reflexively. His muscles pulled on her finger much like her mouth was acting upon his cock, with a seemingly equivalent suction. As soon as it had entered, it was extracted, though, before much experimentation could be done.

Abruptly, she broke oral contact, leaving his erection unfulfilled. Carl’s face betrayed minor frustration with her teasing him so thoroughly and repeatedly. A string of her saliva bridged the gap between his throbbing cock and her hungry mouth. Her blue eyes stared into his brown ones and she smiled.

“I want you to piss in my mouth! Do it and you’ll get something better than a blowjob!” Her eyes conveyed a lustful truth. Carl could tell she was dead serious. If he did not succumb to her demands, everything would be back to square one, and he would have to live with him never finishing. At this point, he was all in.

He closed his eyes, and mustered what urine he could. It took a second, but soon a stream of yellow liquid flowed from his urethra past his precum leakage and her thick saliva. Her hand still in control of his dick, she managed to aim most of it into her mouth, some errant spray speckling her face and chest. The volume he expelled was filling her mouth too fast, so she closed her lips around it once again, sucking down the warm fluids like she was drinking from a hose. His bladder emptied quickly, and she sucked down the last of his dribble.

Carl heard her moan in pleasure. What was wrong with her sister? Then again, what was wrong with him for being in here with her? These doubting thoughts collapsed quickly, as he regarded his crazy, hot sister. She released him from her succulent lips, but maintained her grasp with a small hand.

“Good boy,” she cooed, giving a few timed strokes to keep him interested. Now for your reward…”

Carl watched, swallowing hard, as she turned around to display her immaculate, naked ass directly to him. Her tiny asshole was clean and puckered, sitting just inches from her tight, wet womanhood. She assumed the position on her knees, her calves and feet hanging off of the bed in his direction, her rump wiggling seductively. She bore the telltale signs of having tanned in nothing but a thong.

He was beyond requiring further goading, and ripped off his soaked shirt and cast it to the floor. He took hold of her wide, soft hips with excited hands, her flesh giving in to his insistent fingers as they secured their purchase. Her skin was warm, damp with sweat, and very smooth. His member twitched in anticipation of its destination, angled towards the moist entrance with a lust all of its own, pleading him for the embrace of her eager sex. Wasting no more time, he pressed the head against her lower lips. Anna moaned, and pushed herself onto him just as he thrust forwards, resulting in one deep, hard, and fast penetration. They both winced in pleasure at the violent joining of their genitals, their moans mingling together in a sexual sing song. His animalistic drive taking over, he began pulling back, and thrusting forward again in rhythm, slowly gaining speed as he grew in confidence.

Their pace regularized, finding the right body rhythms instinctually. The pair panted and moaned with every new thrust, his balls slapping against her wetted thighs. The sounds of their lovemaking filled the room, accompanied by the smells of their love juices and sweat and heated breaths. Both wondered in the moment why he had waited so long to try this.

Anna was shrieking in maddened ecstasy; her greatest love was finally treating her like a proper woman, like a lover. This emotional furor joined with her pent up sexual tension, and she lost her grasp on most of her senses as they flooded with fulfilling desire. His cock was pounding into her, exploring new depths with a hungry voracity she had only dreamed of. All she needed now was for him to deposit his seed deep inside her womb, and she would be fulfilled. She pressed her thighs together in an attempt to keep him from fleeing, increasing her grip on his turgid penis.

“Yes, yes, yes!” she cried frantically. “Cum inside me! Make a baby in me!”

Despite his building pressure in his loins, Carl was snapped out of his trance as she yelled. This was his sister! He could NOT get her pregnant! It was so wrong! His parents would definitely know what had happened then, and his life would be ruined. He was not ready for children from anyone, let alone his older sister.

Not slowing his pace, He withdrew himself from her soaked pussy, redirected his focus to the tight orifice just above it, and penetrated her previously unused hole. It was a different feel from anything else he had experienced so far today, but it was far from unpleasant. He saw her body arch at the unexpected backdoor intrusion, and she inhaled sharply. The tightness was far greater than her pussy, and it seemed like it was threatening to cut off circulation; threatening, but ultimately incapable, especially due to his repeated movements in and out of the hot space.

Anna was unable to form words as he ravished her asshole, the unexpected pain and pleasure mixed and combined forces to rob her of breath, using whatever she could scrounge up keep from passing out. Her arms had collapsed from below her, and her head and chest acted as her new supports, her face mashed into her copious comforter. This was not the plan! He was supposed to cum in her pussy like she told him! She was going to have to plan things out better next time. Planning was going to have to wait for her mind to uncloud from her nearing orgasm.

Carl’s balls retracted as he reached his climax, giving out an impassioned shot as his hot load was pumped deep into her steaming asshole, each throb and pulse adding to the growing volume. He heard her yell out as well, and her ass muscles gripped him strongly as she locked up in a climax of her own.

He collapsed on top of her, both bodies slick with perspiration and radiating heat from sex, their respective orgasms, and the simple fact it was ridiculously hot in the house. His cock slowly subsided in size, leaking the last of its contents into his sister’s ass. They lay like this for a good minute, both needing some respite from their intense encounter, breathing heavily.

Carl was the first to move, peeling his wet flesh from her back and pulling his half engorged member from its dark domicile. Only some of his ejaculation leaked out, before her anus pulled tight yet again, sealing his seed inside her. Anna rolled over, her face flushed and glowing, her large breasts spread irregularly from her stance, adorning a heaving chest.

“You disobeyed… and that means we have to start all over again.” Her eyes were half lidded, but he could see the growing desire for another round sparkle within them. He had done what needed to be done, and she was not giving up.

“But that shouldn’t be a problem for us now, right my dear husband?”

“Hu-husband?!” he responded incredulously. This was getting out of hand. “We aren’t married! And we aren’t going to get married! You’re my sister, we can’t even legally get married!”

Anna smiled at him, shaking her head. “Oh honey, we don’t have to legally get married to live together forever like husband and wife! We can just love each other, have kids, and die old together, just like a real married couple! I just need to update my Facebook!”

She reached over and picked up her phone, unlocking it with practiced dexterity. Carl briefly caught a glimpse of her background, and he swore it was a photo of him, naked and asleep on his bed.

This had gone way too far, and had lasted quite long enough. Time for some improvised experimentation. He grabbed her phone away from her to get her attention. She looked at him expectantly.

“If you wanted,” he said shakily, “we could try again right now.”

She clasped her hands together hopefully. He was taking this far better than she could have hoped for. Her dreams really were coming true. This time, she would be on top, so he would not have the opportunity to pull out.

She began to sit up, but he held out a finger to stop her.

“One condition: you give me a rim job. I need a minute to…reload.”

She nodded her head vigorously. She would have done it even if she hadn’t wanted to, if she was being completely honest with herself.

Carl got onto his hands and knees on her bed, head above her multiple pillows. She assumed the same stance directly behind him. He could feel her breath puff against his puckered anus as she approached. She closed her eyes, and extended her tongue to meet his skin. She made contact with the wrinkled skin, and moaned at the mixed flavours that hit her taste buds; the sweat of his body mingling with the lingering essence of previous defecations. She decided because it was her beloved brother, she would enjoy this sanctioned, intimate moment.

Her tongue felt warm and wet as it rolled around his rim. It made him shudder with pleasure, and he could feel the muscles in his bowels become excited. His anus had begun to flex and relax, opening and closing briefly, but repeatedly. He hoped his plan would work, but he had to wait for the right time.

Anna noticed this new movement, and she took the initiative to jam her face as deep as she could into his ass crack, and penetrated his sphincter with as much of her oral organ as she could stick out. She felt the smooth, moist walls of his inner bowels, slick with internal dampness. The tastes transitioned quickly into a far worse end of the spectrum, and she regretted her choice almost immediately.

Seizing the moment, Carl pushed himself backwards, and rammed his asshole against her unassuming face. The sudden, powerful pressure on his sphincter caused it to open rapidly, far wider than it ever had before. So much so, that the entirety of her head was now lodged within his rump, her long hair still down her back and plastered in place with sweat.

Anna’s head had gone tongue first into her younger brother’s asshole, and it took her a second to realize what had happened. She blinked, but it was almost pitch black in his bowels save the low light slipping in around her neck. She screamed, but it echoed in her ears. From the outside, Carl could hear her muffled voice from inside him, but could not care less what she was saying. Focusing on his anal muscles, he clenched and sucked at her form, trying to draw her in further. She had braced her arms against his cheeks, but she was unable to fight the intense strength and suction, and found herself slowly slurped deeper in. Small amounts of his cum dribbled from her ass as she struggled for freedom.

Carl’s eyes rolled up, and his tongue lolled out of his mouth, dribbling with drool. Having a sexy girl squelching into his abdomen was the best thing he had felt all day. This was an unconventional form of anal, but he was into it. Progress slowed as he struggled to absorb her massive mammaries, and he might have failed in his endeavors had she not been so thoroughly lubed up with sweat. With a grunt and a strong contraction, her chest now resided completely within him. Her arms were fully pinned to her sides, her hands flexing and trying to grasp anything to slow her descent. His belly became distended as it filled with his sexy, insane sibling, his innards rearranging to accommodate the large mass.

He lowered his torso, and adopted her technique from earlier, but now it was her in his ass. Gravity aided his ass, and dragged her in past her wide hips with little trouble. He swore he could hear a slurping sound as her legs were sucked inside like a pair of thick spaghetti noodles. He could feel her wriggling and struggling inside him. It felt incredible; especially considering he no longer would have to worry about her ruining his life. She was shrieking something, but her voice was so muffled and garbled amongst the sounds of his massive gurgling gut, he could not tell what she said, although he had a pretty good idea what she was saying.

Meanwhile, she did her best to escape. In a panic, she tried to turn herself around and find the way out of her dark prison. She succeeded to some degree, but with no way to see, she only managed to get herself lost, no longer sure of which way was which. Her world consisted of moist blackness and massaging muscles from all sides, rubbing and caressing her every surface in rhythmic undulations. Her skin started to tingle as the wetness that surrounded her was kneaded into her tender flesh. She screamed again, but only accomplished in using more of her diminishing air supply.

Carl rolled onto his back, and rubbed his massive stomach at it groaned and moved around with his crazy older sister. He could tell from the motions of her lumps in his flesh where her head, and limbs were, and her every motion triggered a burst of sensory messages that fired around his pleasure centers. His cock had risen again like a phoenix, full mast and ready for action. Unable to reach it due to his newfound circumference, he had to resort to thrusting his pelvis, jabbing his dick into his sister’s form within him. It was not nearly as good as actual sex, but the stimulation from his innards well made up the difference. His contractions and movement caused a large fart to escape his tight sphincter, expelling whatever extra air she had carried in with her.

She pleaded to be released, but the only response she received was an increased attack on her flesh from inside and outside of his belly. The gurgles increased as the chamber became more flooded with liquid, bathing her entirely in burning juices, which the walls were more than happy to introduce to her entire body. The tingles turned to burning, and she cried out for mercy. Unfortunately for her, this let a copious volume of caustic fluids into her mouth and lungs and introduced her innards to the pain of drowning. She coughed out what she could, but there was little air to replace it with at this point. Had she been able to see, she would have freaked out at the state of her skin, or lack thereof.

His thrusting halted abruptly, as his orgasmic convulsions wracked his hips, spraying the underside of his massive gut with his semen. He breathed heavily, and as he relaxed his eyes began to flutter. He had had a tiring afternoon, and the bed was practically wrapping his heavy form with a warm embrace. The ambient heat of the room permeated his body, and signals from his brain told him to sleep off his meal. Not able to do much else at this point, he readily succumbed to the darkness of blissful, contented unconsciousness.

Anna had no such inklings. Suddenly, however, there was no pain; her nerves were severed by the relentless digestion at the merciless whims of her little brother’s organs. Her mind grew fuzzy as she faded over the next hour. She had time to realize, though, that now she really would be with him forever, and that in a twisted way, she would be a part of him and his children. This did not stop her from her token resistance, but her limbs had lost much of their mass, and almost all of their strength. Her efforts registered no more than the occasional bump of his taut skin, which was more rounded out than it had been before. She opened her mouth in one last attempt to yell out, but nothing but a liquidized flesh slurry came out. Her body continued to degrade as her brother slept; the spark of her life smothered in shite.

* * * * *

By the time Carl regained consciousness, his stomach had reduced in size by about half. His bowels grumbled as he sat up, a sudden heavy feeling pressing against his sphincter. A plume of gas escaped, and he could tell that little of what was filling his intestines at this point was gas. He doubted he could get to the bathroom in this state, so he just got back onto his hands and knees, rolled onto the balls of his feet, and squatted right there on his tormenter’s bed.

He grunted and wheezed as he pushed, the first of his load just barely breaching his anus. It occurred to him that it was almost harder to shit her out than it had been to suck her in in the first place. Moans of joy and effort escaped his lips and rumbled in his core as the largest turds ever made wrestled their way from his anus. Bursts of gas accompanied each pinched lump and loaf, filling the air with the smell of death, which, to the anal predator, smelled of victory. To his surprise, it felt smooth and compact coming out, despite his assumptions that at least her bones would be poking around back there. Pile after pile dropped to the damp sheets below him, growing the fecal stack so high he had to stop squatting and resort to standing bow legged over his creation. It took a full few minutes to completely vacate his bowels of his late dear sister.

Disembarking from her bed, he inspected the load he had dumped. It curled to two feet in height, and slumped to about two across. He could find no trace that there had ever been another human involved; no teeth, bones, or anything else recognizable. This would make his mound of evidence far easier to get rid of without raising any alarms down at the sewage plant. No one would think twice about shit in the sewers, no matter what it may have been before.

His midsection had been pulled in significantly after his deposit, and he could tell he needed a shower. First thing’s first, he thought. Temporarily donning his sweaty clothes from the floor, he went about dragging his creation to the bathroom to dispose of it properly, in as large of quantities that the pipes could deal with in a single flush. As enjoyable as everything leading up to this part had been, he really could have done without the cleanup.

It dawned on him that, with her gone, there was now an unclaimed, relatively new vehicle sitting in the driveway with nobody to drive it. It looked like he just earned himself a new car. Not bad for an afternoon’s work. He made sure to bundle up her soiled sheets in a garbage bag, and drop them off in the garbage bins sitting out back of the family garage.

Having finally rid himself of all evidence, he took a long, cool shower. As the sweat, faeces, and dried cum washed down the drain, he noted that he had gained a bit of extra padding on his ass and belly, which he would now have to lose to avoid all suspicion. It would not take all that much work to do so, but in this kind of heat he did not want to even think of running it off or working out. He sighed. Even after she was dead and gone, his shitty big sister continued to be a pain in his ass.